Emily Wardill
06.04 - 14.04 2013
Verk Emily Wardill, Game Keepers without Game er kvikmynd í fullri lengd byggir á leikritinu Lífið er draumur eftir spænska skáldið Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Í verkinu staðfærir listamaðurinn þetta 16. aldar verk inn í London nútímans og notar það til rannsóknar á hinu flókna sambandi mannsins við hluti.
Emily Wardill er þekkt fyrir framsækna kvikmyndagerð sína en í henni notast hún við ólík kvikmyndaform jafnframt því sem hún brýtur markvisst reglur kvikmyndalistarinnar.
Sýningin var hluti af Sequences hátíðinni, sjá: http://sequences.is/
The work Game Keepers without Game, a full-length film, is based on the 17th century play, Life is a Dream by the spanish author Pedro Calderón de la Barca. In the work the play is translated into contemporary London, as a means to investigate our complex relationship to objects.
Emily Wardill’s spellbinding films reveal her attentiveness to the different attributes of the medium, each of which is carefully carried out. She mimics different genres while systematically disrupting the rules of classic filmmaking. The way in which she presents people’s relationship with language, sound, architecture and objects seems to suggest an ongoing conflict between ideas and their enactment. Game Keepers without Game is based on the 17th century play, Life is a Dream, which is translated into contemporary London, as a means to investigate our complex relationship to objects.
The exhibition was a part of the Sequences Festival, see: http://sequences.is/