
Lauritz Nymand Svendsen

Malte Klagenberg


14.09 - 28. 09 2013


Gullrefurinn var búinn til á tilraunastofu og hefur þann hæfileika að geta breytt sér í hvað sem er. Allt frá  lifandi verum til líflausra hluta hann hefur einnig verið loðaður við það að breyta sér í  hugtök. Hinsvegar eiga vísindamennirnir sem þróuðu Gullrefinn nú við mjög erfitt vandamál að stríða – þeir hafa týnt Gullrefinum! Og sökum þessa sérstaka hæfileika refsins er mjög vandasamt að finna hann.


The Golden Fox is an artificially created animal, which possesses a very special ability – it can turn into anything imaginable, or even unimaginable. From other living creatures to dead objects – and even into concepts. As such, it can provide a solution to any given problem. If you are making a bonfire in the woods, it can turn into marshmallows; or if you’re feeling lonely, it can be a presence in the room. The possibilities are endless – it can even be used to solve problems you didn’t know you had. However, the scientists who developed the golden fox have a very difficult problem of their own – they’ve lost the golden fox! And because of its ability, it is very hard to find… 






Póstkort sýningarinnar

Postcard of the exhibition