Annu Wilenius
Charlotta Östlund
Marja Vitahuhta
Marjo Levlin
Pasi Autio
18.10 – 01.11 2014
Kunstschlager tekur á móti fimm listamönnum frá Galleria Huuto í Helsinki sem munu sýna afrakstur samstarfs þar sem fengist er við hugmyndir um breytingar, skammlífi, skynjanir, gloppur og tíma. Endursagðar minningar af raunverulegum atburðum verða þokukenndar, hálf-ímyndaðar myndir eða skáldaðar frásagnir. Eitthvað í líkingu við það sem gerist í listinni – í ferli sköpunar og reynslu. Það er reynsla breytinga; síendurtekin umbreyting og hreyfing milli hluta, hugsana og sambanda. Eitthvað birtist og virðist hafa þýðingu án þess að hægt sé að skilgreina það.
Sýningin er hluti af verkefni þriggja listamannarekinna rýma á Norðurlöndunum en auk Kunstschlager og Galleria Huuto er sænska gallerýið Studio 44 hluti af því.
Samstarfið má nálgast á www.tricycleblog.tumblr.com.
- Úr fréttatilkynningu
Five artists from Galleria Huuto, Helsinki, present their work in a group show that can be approached via the concepts of temporality, time, gap, perception and shift. These concepts are to be understood in a variety of concrete and abstract senses. For example how to describe what happens whilst thinking about the past? Retold versions of memories of actual events become blurry, half-imagined images or fictionalized stories. Something alike happens in art – in the process of making it and in the experience of looking at it. There is an experience of shifting: of constant transformation and movement between things, thoughts and association. Something appears, and it feels meaningful, yet undefined.
The exhibition is part of a nordic collaboration entitled Tricycle, which is run between Gallery Huuto (Helsinki), Kunstschlager (Reykjavik) and Studio 44 (Stockholm). The project also has a website: www.tricycleblog.tumblr.com.
Galleria Huuto is an artist-run, non-profit initiative from Helsinki, Finland, founded in 2002. Currently Huuto runs one gallery space in Helsinki city centrum and another large space in the old harbour area with gallery spaces, artist studios, project space and an open lounge.
The tricycle-project has been funded by the Nordic Culture Fund, Frame and KÍM.
- From a press release
Póstkort sýningarinnar
Postcard of the exhibition