
Þórdís Erla Zoega

Þór Sigurþórsson


05.09 – 04.10 2015


@ Listasafn Reykjavíkur, Reykjavik, Iceland


Það er undantekningalaust ástæða fyrir því að efast.   

Er það sem þú sérð það sama og hinn sér?  Hvar byrjar eitt og hvar endar annað -------- á hvaða tímapunkti á samruninn sér stað og hvar lýkur honum? Er það sem þú sérð það sem þig langar til að sjá? 

Engin lymskubrögð – aðeins þú og allir hinir. 

Í skörun vitundar og skynjunar – þegar tvennt, þrennt, fimmfalt verður að hinu eina sanna MIX-i. 

Hvað er fyrir aftan, hvað er undir og hvar er miðjan – munt þú treysta því sem þú sérð? 

Þórdís Erla Zoega og Þór Sigurþórsson tefla saman verkum sínum sem mögulega eiga sér sameiginlega snertifleti í síðustu sýningu D- sals sýningarröð Kunstschlager í Hafnarhúsinu 2015.


There is no doubt a reason you should be doubting.

Do you perceive what the other perceives?

Where does it begin and where will it end———when is the merger present and when is it finished?

Do you see what you want to be seeing?

No tricks now-only you and all the others.

Where awareness and perception overlap-where it all becomes the one true MIX.

What is behind, what is under and where is the centre -  will you trust what you see?

Thordis Erla Zoega and Thor Sigurthorsson unite and a possible mixture will emerge in the last Kunstschlager D-hall exhibit at the Reykjavík Art Museum.


Um verk Þórdísar / About Þórdís' works


Part of the exhibition MIX, Kunstschlager in D-hall, Reykjavík Art Museum 2015

Installation with 3 chairs, 3 one way mirrors, black and white tile floor material, shapes on walls.

The installation is a kind of a stage researching reflection, shadow images and learned perception.

The floor creates the setting. On the floor the mirrors are standing in a zik zak position and the chairs are situated around the mirrors in a controlled way; every chair is mirrored exactly by the reflection of the chair opposite from it. 

While walking around it the viewer comes to realize that everything is as it seems but while realizing the understanding of his misunderstanding, tries to find flaws in the plan and questions what he is actually seeing. 

The chairs suggest that you are allowed to sit on them and then be a part of the installation. When only one person sits in it, it looks like he is a ghost as he can only see the silhouette of himself sitting on the opposite chairs. When two persons sit opposite each other it looks as if their two bodies merge into one, creating the very intimate experience of seeing yourself merge into another person.
